Hi, I’m Neil.
I’m an artist, lecturer, and PhD researcher with particular interests in using art as a vehicle for social and environmental connection, whilst exploring inter-disciplinary and expanded methods within studio practice.
Study for a Landscape is an ongoing, multi-partner, multi-disciplinary project that uses walking, mark-making, and community building to explore deeper connections with the land, and search for an often elusive sense of time and place within ourselves. This usually involves the facilitation of sketchbook walks, where people come together to use walking and mark-making as a way to search, explore, and discover inter-disciplinary and relational approaches to landscape art through simple drawing processes and speculative story-telling. The sketchbook walks are informed by an ongoing studio practice, which involves painting, photography, print-making, installation, and moving image, often in experimental and unusual ways.
I’m currently artist in residence at Altogether Otherwise, leading a mark-making walk on the final Friday of every month. More information on The Final Fridays can be found here.
Please use the menu above to see a selection of my work, or to join in on upcoming events. I’m always open for conversations about working in new ways, with new people, so please get in touch if you would like to discuss working together.